Sunday session
I took the second place.
So see you at 2pm this sunday.
Not pretty, but...
This weekend we'll hold our first AC2011 help session, Sunday the 13th
from 2PM to 6PM in Avery 300. This is a voluntary session to review
progress on group research projects; interested teams should sign up
for a 20 minute slot during the alloted time. Teams should bring
working files on a laptop if possible and be prepared in advanced so
we can remain on schedule. Look for the AC2011 signup by the 6th floor
elevator tomorrow after noon.
这个活动不知道大家有没有时间参与一下,正好督促一下各自的进度。不好意思我这周末不能参加了。顺便给带给各位来自伦敦的问候 :D
Columbus circle
OPERATION #0: Concept Sketching + Warmup Tutorials
Students are expected to complete a series of base tutorials (available online) as the primary mode of introduction tothe Grasshopper toolset (augmenting week01 discussion). Additionally, students are asked to sketch an initial designproblem for study through various methodologies throughout the course term. The design problem will consist of aparametrically derived architectural component + a design agenda + an environmental or other analysis.
DELIVERABLES: Sketches, diagrams, + posted description of the proposed design problem.
OPERATION #1A: inSourced Operations (Accessing Rhino + Plug-ins)
Students are expected to integrate custom VB.NET script modules within Grasshopper to access Rhino operationsbeyond the base Grasshopper toolset as well as plug-ins such as Paneling Tools and animation software, therebyexpanding the generation and visualization functionality of the tool. The scripts will be applied to the design problemproposed by the student in Operation #0.
DELIVERABLES: Matrix of initial possibilities; GH definitions + related VB scripts posted to course website.
OPERATION #1B: outsourced Operations (Cross-Platform Scripts + Evaluation/Analytics)
Students are expected to build custom, cross-platform workflows (using provided scripts as groundwork) to dynamicalyconnect Rhino+Grasshopper as a modeling platform with an evaluation software such as Ecotect or Excel (or others)for testing and evaluation of component designs. Workflow connections will be based in VB.NET scripting, andstudents are encouraged to explore various methodologies for intercommunication such as automated text filewriting/reading + the User Datagram Protocol language. Additionally, students will be asked to produce an animation orvideo of dynamic processes in action.
DELIVERABLES: Diagram of dynamic system; matrix of final interoperable designs; animation/video of dynamic processes; GH definitions + related VB scripts + associated software files posted to course website.
All You Can Eat!